morning, while I was reading the Word, I began to really reflect on how the Lord's primary concern in each one of our lives is our
heart, and the condition it is in. In Jeremiah 17:10 God says, "I, the Lord, search all hearts..."
The condition of our heart is something that our Father, out of His infinite and unconditional love for us, is relentless about. Psalm 51:17 says, "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God." As I was reading in Acts chapter 9, I began to see what took place from this perspective . Here, we find Saul, a mass murderer of these committed, born-again, Christ followers, determined to continue his mission of persecution and death amongst them. His next move was to capture, chain, torture, and annihilate the believers in Damascus. Most of us know this story, but what I began to notice was Saul's heart condition. His actual motives.
The condition of our heart is something that our Father, out of His infinite and unconditional love for us, is relentless about. Psalm 51:17 says, "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God." As I was reading in Acts chapter 9, I began to see what took place from this perspective . Here, we find Saul, a mass murderer of these committed, born-again, Christ followers, determined to continue his mission of persecution and death amongst them. His next move was to capture, chain, torture, and annihilate the believers in Damascus. Most of us know this story, but what I began to notice was Saul's heart condition. His actual motives.
we are seeing here is the power of the spirits of Religion and Deception at work.
These spirits darken a persons ability to see clearly, and especially to see
oneself clearly. They numb the senses to darkness and evil, and above all, to the Spirit of God.
They hate the Holy Spirit, because "where the Spirit of the Lord is there
is liberty," (2 Cor. 3:17); and we know that Satan and his cohorts hate
freedom, truth, and life- because they have none! Nor will they ever! Saul was
oppressed by these familiar spirits of his day, and completely blinded to the
evil of his ways. These same spirits are still ruling today, and are just as,
if not more destructive than ever. This is what we are seeing in effect all over the
world, and just as equally in the Church, as these spirits are working hand in
hand, blinding people from the truth. We can see that these spirits are
covering a broad spectrum, even deceiving most of the population. From all
false religions and cults, to dead Christian churches with no Spirit of God or
life, to those who are open to the Holy Spirit but must maintain control over
Him, His flow, and over the people, and even to ISIS.
say this because just as in the time of Saul, God is still all about the
condition of our heart. Even though Saul was the Hitler of his day, his
heart was not equivalent. He was deceived, and truly believed in his heart that what we was doing was right and
honorable in the eyes of Jehovah. Here is a short recap of what takes place in
Acts 9, as Saul is traveling to his next destination of destruction:
"As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, 'Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?'
'Who are you Lord?' Saul asked.
And the voice replied, "I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.'
The men with Saul stood speechless, for they heard the sound of someone's voice but heard no one!
Saul picked himself up off the ground, but when he opened his eyes he was blind. So his companions led him by the hand to Damascus. He remained there blind for three days and did not eat or drink."
Now there was a believer in Damascus named Ananias. The Lord spoke to him in a vision, calling,
'Yes, Lord!' he replied.
The Lord said, 'Go over to Straight Street, to the house of Judas. When you get there, ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying to me right now. I have shown him a vision of a man named Ananias coming in and laying hands on him so he can see again.'
'But Lord,' exclaimed Ananias, 'I have heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem! And he is authorized by the leading priests to arrest everyone who calls upon your name!'
So Ananias went and found Saul. He laid his hands on him and said, 'Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.' Instantly something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he regained his sight. Afterward he ate some food and regained his strength."
whose name was later changed to Paul as he began his new life, had a radical
heart for God, and one of genuine repentance. Because of this,
the Lord knew that if He brought Saul deliverance from Religion and Deception, the new man, Paul, would keep his heart in
a place of repentance, reverence, and obedience throughout the rest of his
life. It is my belief, after seeking the Lord for years to answer my questions on deliverance, that many people today are not delivered because of His mercy. Because
if their heart is not
right, and deliverance comes without radical
transformation and commitment following as their way of life, it is only a matter
of time before, "the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than
itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so the person is worse
off than before," (Luke 11:26).
if the heart is right- if it is a heart that, though they may be deceived, truly
wants to know who God is, and is willing to go the distance and abandon all to
follow Him- God will go the distance to save them! This is exactly what He did
with Saul! Not only did God deliver him, but He personally revealed Himself to
him! He set him free from the spirits of Deception and Religion, and it doesn't
end there! God then chose him, anointed him, taught him by His Spirit, and then sent him
out in boldness and power to preach the gospel of the Kingdom! God took Saul- a bloody Pharisaical
murderer, and transformed him into Paul- one of, if not the, greatest evangelists of all time!
is also exactly what the Lord has done in my life. I was so bound not only by
these spirits, but literally hundreds upon hundreds of others.
My life was a continuous nightmare, and I was horribly bound. Even when things
were better, I was empty. There was a deep void of purpose in me and hunger
that needed to be filled and I could never seem to satisfy it
no matter what, or who I tried. I was broken. I was desperate. I was dead. I knew there was a God and I wanted to know who He was... Deep
down we all want to know our Maker and the Lover of our souls.
looking everywhere, God finally removed the scales off my eyes, just as He
did Saul. I realized that God really was Jesus, not a religion, but a person who wanted a real and living relationship with me. Someone who truly did want to be intimate with me and search the depths of my heart. Who
wanted to walk with me and talk with me every day. Who wanted to help me, and teach me. Who wanted to show me the truth of what is going on in this world- breaking me free from complete ignorance and deception. And above all, who wanted to show me the power and reality of His Kingdom, and teach me how to thrive in it. And not only this, but a God who
wanted to set me free from the chains this life had me in, to heal all my brokenness, and remove all of the deep, deep pain in my heart and soul.
When I was finally able to see the truth- JESUS- I ran after Him! I wanted to be whoever and do whatever it takes to be a full-blown lover and follower of Him. Because I knew it was the truth and nothing else mattered anymore! I was no longer blind and purposeless. My life had meaning, and I had a living and tangible hope. And when you find Truth, you find Life!
When I was finally able to see the truth- JESUS- I ran after Him! I wanted to be whoever and do whatever it takes to be a full-blown lover and follower of Him. Because I knew it was the truth and nothing else mattered anymore! I was no longer blind and purposeless. My life had meaning, and I had a living and tangible hope. And when you find Truth, you find Life!
Jesus was the key
to life. Eternal life! Not only dying and going to heaven, but beginning that
new life here and now, and having His Holy Spirit come live inside of me and be my Helper
and Teacher! Oh how I wanted to know Him! And once I did, I wanted to be
free. He said I could be healed, and that He does not lie. So I made it a
mission to see this in my body, my mind, and my life. I wanted to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ
was really the truth, above every other god and way in the world. That the Bible
and every Word God wrote is 100% true. If this were so, I would go out and tell
everyone: "I found something real! This is it! Jesus is the Way! He is the Truth! He
healed me and set me free! Look at how much he has done in my life! Look at how much he has changed me! He
is so real, so alive, and so amazing! HE IS THE ONLY TRUTH!!" And you bet, it ended up being so! He was true to His Word, and has supernaturally healed me physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally in every single way!
Being my Deliverer and Healer is who He continues to be in my life daily. My
part is to remain genuine in heart, obedient, and in a place
of receptivity and repentance. As I have remained faithful, passionate,
devoted, and surrendered, the spirits, circumstances, and deceptive attacks of
the enemy he has delivered me from have been incredible. As Psalm 34 says,
"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all
their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are
crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but
the Lord delivers him from them all..."
had no idea that I was deceived. I thought I was a "good" person. I wasn’t- but
God knew my heart. Saul had no idea he was deceived. He thought he was a "good" person. He
thought he was serving God! He wasn't- but God knew his heart. As we see with Saul, and just as I saw in my own life,
no one is safe from the redemptive hand and power of our Almighty God when He chooses
to move upon a heart!
So what about ISIS? When I think about Saul and imagine what was taking place in that day, I see exactly what is taking place in our world right now. Is it
very well possible that there are followers of ISIS who genuinely believe that allah is
God, and that they are truly right in what they are
doing? Who are blinded by Religion and
Deception? Saul was just as guilty. I was just as guilty. We are all
guilty. We are all in need of forgiveness, which comes only by the precious Blood of Jesus- by His death and resurrection on the cross, and our belief in His perfect sacrifice and propitiation for our sins.
As far as Religion and Deception are concerned: Are these spirits, these fallen angels who were created by the All Powerful God Himself, too big for God? Are all of these people's hearts unchangeable? Are they so blinded and bound that they cannot ever see the light that Saul saw? That I saw? That so many of us by God's grace and mercy saw? On the contrary...
As far as Religion and Deception are concerned: Are these spirits, these fallen angels who were created by the All Powerful God Himself, too big for God? Are all of these people's hearts unchangeable? Are they so blinded and bound that they cannot ever see the light that Saul saw? That I saw? That so many of us by God's grace and mercy saw? On the contrary...
looks to me like God is orchestrating some pretty extravagant Damascus Road encounters!
...His Kingdom is being manifested! All for His Glory!
...His Kingdom is being manifested! All for His Glory!
He reigns!