Friday, January 24, 2014

Battles ANOINT Rulers

"Joseph's PERSONAL VICTORIES became a corporate covering ...

but there is no victory without a battle. BATTLES are DESIGNED TO free us from the prisons of life and TAKE US TO the place of our DESTINY. Between the prison and the palace there is always A PROCESS that this warfare facilitates. The process is often better described as a trial. The trials of our life are designed to DEVELOP our CHARACTER so that we can stay in the palace.

Joseph was in a powerful position when he decided the fate of his family in Egypt. Joseph had gone through the test of character and his victories were many: he believed God would fulfill the dreams of his life, even though circumstances were against him; he submitted to authority, was faithful and trusted God through everything; he stayed clear from sexual sin, and he was willing to forgive his brothers.

His successes allowed him to become a CORPORATE COVERING and a TRUSTED GENERAL in the kingdom to protect all those who came under him."

- Kris Vallotton

**Here are some questions for us. How do we see and handle the trials that God allows in our lives? Do we think God is punishing us? Do we think we are a victim of people or circumstances? Do we yell at God because "God you say you love me but look at this... And look at my life!" Or maybe we are convinced we were made for greatness, but since the enemy knows this, he never stops attacking us? Do we end up continuously feeling defeated, or in an actual cycle of defeat?


What if we change the lenses we are looking through? What if we see with spiritual eyes that are fixed on Jesus, not on the dumb DEFEATED enemy? What if we begin to see from a HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE? What if we were to whole-heartedly see every trial as a blessing? As a gift from our Dad, causing variables and circumstances to come about in order to CHALLENGE, EQUIP, TRAIN and RAISE US UP; trials that otherwise wouldn't be, since we would never willingly put ourselves through them? What if we were to see them as tests that we KNOW we can pass with His strength, in order to move forward to the next level? As opportunities to grow more into the STRONG men and women we want to be, and the LEADERS and ROLE MODELS we are called to be? What if we were convinced that God's promise is true- that He works EVERY SINGLE THING out for our good- meaning He has PURPOSE for everything?


This is how we become a victorious people. If we were to see ourselves as God sees us, we would face these trials head on, thankful for the opportunity to become more like Him, and eager for the change it is going to bring about in our character. Our Dad sees us as strong, courageous, capable, victorious, and powerful ROYALTY. He says we are MORE than conquerors. If we really want to think like God thinks, and see what He sees, then we need to do so first with ourselves! Each one of us matters tremendously! Each one of us has our own assignment and destiny! And "He is faithful to complete the work He has begun," and to "perfect what concerns us," in order to bring us into the things He planned for us before the creation of the world!


If we are to walk in HIGH places, shouldn't we be tested first to prove we are trustworthy and capable? Don't we want to be prepared before we get there, and know we can handle it? Wouldn't we want to maintain the position, and continue to increase, because we have been successfully trained and equipped? Don't we want to be in positions of POWER and AUTHORITY and GENERALS of our Father's ARMY! !? This is His will for us! To establish the GOVERNMENT of the KINGDOM OF GOD on Earth as it is in Heaven!!


So let's be thankful we have a GOD who loves us SO much that He SETS US UP for success! Who orchestrates our training process for us! Who gives us the strength and wisdom to pass through EVERY trial, and Who brings us from glory to glory, HIGHER and HIGHER!**





"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces PERSEVERANCE. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be MATURE and complete, NOT LACKING anything."

-James 1:2


"We must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God... "

-Acts 14:22


"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy... "

1 Peter 1:7-8


" And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and ESTABLISH you."

1 Peter 5:1


"And we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

-Romans 8:28


"being confident of this very thing, that He who who has begun a good work in you will complete it... "

-Philippians 1:6


"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me."

-Psalm 138:8


"But YOU ARE a CHOSEN generation, a ROYAL priesthood, a holy nation, His own SPECIAL PEOPLE , that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light..."

-1 Peter 2:9

The HIGH Life


“I press toward the mark for the prize of the HIGH CALLING in Christ Jesus.”
-Philippians 3:14

Yesterday, while I was doing my makeup, the Holy Spirit said to me, “press toward the HIGH calling.”

Any time I had ever read this verse I probably assumed that the “high” calling was heaven. I’m sure I thought “okay, yea, press through and make it through this life and I will get the prize in heaven...”  In fact, I don’t think I ever thought twice about it. So when the Spirit spoke this to me, I was very intrigued to hear what He was about to reveal. He began to show me that there are many callings, many levels and heights, and that we have the free will to choose how high we want to go…

“How HIGH do you want to go? How BIG are your dreams? How GREAT is your faith? How HUGE do you want to see your God be?

I am encouraging you child, to PRESS for the HIGH CALLING. Go after ALL of it! Believe for ALL of it! Because with Me, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Do you believe this? Do you believe ME?

I am CALLING YOU UP HIGH. I want to take you to the greatest heights, and then even higher. I want to get you “high”, and use you as a vessel to show others what “being HIGH” is really all about.

The world’s ways of “getting high” are only a counterfeit for the TRUE HIGH that comes from ME. Every other “high” is a FALSE high. It is a LIE meant to DISTRACT you from ME and to DESTROY your life. You think you are getting high or going up higher, when in reality you are descending lower and lower. This is actually deception.

Your enemy, Satan, is a LIAR, and there is NO TRUTH in him! His goal is to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He has defiled the meaning of getting high, as defiling is what he does best. Do you see?

Do his highs increase you? NO. They decrease and depress you. Do they grow you? NO. They weaken and degrade you. Do they develop you? NO. They hold you back and confine you. Do they mature you? NO. They cause you to be  unsophisticated, underdeveloped, and unseasoned. Do they expand you? NO. They shrink and bind you. Do they produce anything truly good in your soul and in your life? NO! Every “high” he offers you is meant for your DESTRUCTION, and is purposed to lead you to spiritual and physical DEATH.

MY HIGH is LIFE. It is abundant LIFE! You don’t truly know about “getting high” until you know ME. I AM A HIGH GOD! MY WAYS are HIGHER than your ways and MY THOUGHTS are HIGHER than your thoughts. I am all about HIGH ways. Far higher than anything you can ask or think...

Will you pursue and run after MY high? Will you believe in the high ways I have for you? Will you fight for the prize- the HIGH CALLING?

Come into agreement with my high ways. MY POWER IS ALIVE IN YOU! It comes forth when you AGREE with it. I have high things in store for you beloved! Believe it! Speak it! Decree it! Stand on my Word in faith, and watch as I raise you to great heights for My glory.”

“I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, HIGH and lifted up…”
-Isaiah 6:1

“But you, Lord, are MOST HIGH forevermore.”
-Psalm 92:8

“And they remembered that God was their Rock, and the HIGH GOD their REDEEMER.”
-Psalm 78:35

“I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the MOST HIGH.”
-Psalm 82:6

“Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above (HIGHER THAN) all that we can ask or think, according to (IN AGREEMENT WITH) the power that works in us.”
-Ephesians 3:20