Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Spiritual Parasite Cleanse- Remove the Snakes and Take Back Your Life!

"Don't imagine yourself to be quite presentable when you haven't had a bath in weeks. Don't be stuck-up and think you're better than everyone else. ... A leech (PARASITE) has twin daughters named 'Gimme' and 'Gimme more'"
 -Prov. 30:12-13, 15  (MSG)

Over the last three months, the Lord has been speaking to me and teaching me about parasites. The definition of a parasite is "an organism that lives on or in another organism, known as the host, from which it obtains its nutrients." 

Parasites in our bodies eat all of the nutrition that we put into them, and then slowly deteriorate and destroy us, ultimately killing us if they remain and are not extricated. They are literally worms or little snakes that invade you or violate you with intent to kill you. Did you know that parasites have killed more people in the world thatn all war casualties combined? Did you know that almost 90% of all people, (yes including Americans), are hosting these monsters in our bodies unbeknownst?

The other day the Holy Spirit was showing me and teaching me that a parasite can also be a person- one who literally comes into your life to destroy you. It is a person who invades your life, eats all of your nutrition, and then leaves you sick, damaged, desperate, and in complete spiritual darkness. They come into your life, many time just as Satan does- like an angel of light. Just as when he took on the form of a snake in the garden and tempted Eve with his deceiving words- words that were his own special twist on what God had actually said- words that sounded like they were of God. 

Similar to how Eve was tricked, these snakes come into our lives and at first seem harmless. What they say sounds so good and seems to true! Yet we all know that once Eve opened that door and listened to the serpents manipulative seduction, she then doubted what God had originally said to her. She chose to listen to the lies of the parasite instead, and as a result, she died. In fact, the reult of this one parasitic attack is the reason we all now face physical death!

Parasites kill. They eat your nutrients. 
What is it that keeps you alive? 
What makes you wake up in the morning and keeps you going? 
What are you passionate about and believe you were created for?

Many of you who know me know my life's verse is: 
Proverb 29:18- "Without vision, the people perih." 
Another verion says, "Without vision, the people throw off restraint." 
If you lose sight of your viion, you can expect the devil to send a parasite or snake your way to try to kill you and abort the dream God has given you. 

Parasites steal your vision. They steal, kill, and destroy. In the natural and in the spiritual, one of their main symptoms is causing you to have brain fog, which is a result of the toxins that these predators produce and release in your system. You can't think or see clearly anymore. You get caught up and focused on all of the symptoms without recognizing the actual root of the problem. Next thing you know, you have lost yourself and have become ill and nutrient defficient. 

You lost the dream God gave you that gives you life! 

The enemy shifted your focus, and suddenly you forgot what you were created for. You forgot who you are! You feel lost and don't know what happened! 

Parasitic people in our lives drain us. they use and abuse. They take what they can and leave you depleted and badly hurt. They seem to be people who love you and care, but eventually you come to the realization that they don't- and probably never did. Their motives were selfish. They were in it for themselves and what they could get all along. 

I pray that every parasitic person would be recognized in our lives and exposed, and in turn immedietly removed. That the Lord would restore our visions and dreams and that we would have the wisdom and discernment to never again let these type of people wreak havoc in our live! 

STAY FOCUSED! Don't lose your vision or you will end up perishing! You will throw off restraint. You will compromise. you will say, "Why not? How bad could it be?" 
You will make hasty mistakes that may nearly destroy you! 

GUARD what God has given you! 
GUARD your Dreams! 
for it determines the course of your life."
-Proverbs 4:23