Saturday, August 27, 2016


"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; 
God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
- 1 Corinthians 1:27

In this day and age, with the extreme and constant stress of solely survival, it is easy, if not completely normal, to feel entirely weak. Many of us are physically weak. We are burnt out from years of living in fight or flight mode to survive in a world that never seems to slow down enough for us to catch up and get ahead. Bills never seem to stop. Health fluctuates, and for many of us seems to hold us back from our full potential. Family and friends can utterly drain us, not understanding the refining process we know we are in. Always having something to say- rarely saying anything led by the Spirit. When we finally get on top of things in our lives it's as if we reached the peak of the mountain only to find we weren't able to see the next one following that we now have to climb and weren't expecting. 
And we just want to give up. We are tired. 

We have dreams, aspirations, goals, and visions of how and where we see ourselves, yet they seem so distant that it is easy for the enemy to come in with his accusing lies that we will never make it. 

Does this sound familiar? ...

- "You are not good enough."
- "You don't have what it takes." 
- "You aren't smart enough."
- "You are too weak." 
- "You are not talented enough."
- "You are crazy. No one will want to marry you. You will always be alone." 
- "You are unrealistic, a fanatic, and living in a fantasy world." 
- "You are not special. Get a job like everyone else. Why do you think you are en exception to how  the world operates? What makes you think you are any different?" 
- "You need a college education or you won't get anywhere in this life."
- "What are you doing with your life? Just waiting around for God? Really?" 
- "Good things come to those who hustle. Stop waiting. God is not moving. So wake up- you need  to get going or nothing will ever happen." 
- "You need to see a psychiatrist. You should really consider some drugs."
- "God is never going to heal you. If He was He would have by now. Just accept it." 
- "If God was going to move on your behalf, wouldn't He have done so by now?"
- "If God really cared, wouldn't He take this away from you? You know He could..."
- "How long have you been waiting??? Give up! He's not coming through!"
- "Did you think it was really going to be better than you ask or think? Umm... Hello! Have you  looked at your circumstances lately? Truly you are an utter fool."

Can't you just hear the devil? Hear his assault? His harassment? I know I have year after year after year... after year. Many times I have fallen prey and believed these lies. Yet, by the grace of God, I have not quit. I have refused to believe that God is a liar, because His Word says He is not. When Jesus saved me from death 8 1/2 years ago, and I knew, after all my searching through all sorts of religions and spiritualism that this was the truth and the answer, what I was looking for all along and what I needed, I made a decision that I would stand on it until the day I die. If God says He is faithful and true, and everything in His Word is true, then I would test it, trust it, and believe it until I die. Either He would prove true or not. Thankfully, I am not dead. Thankfully, I have come to see over the years that truly, His Word is 100% True and our God is beyond 100% Faithful. 

Today I want to encourage you and challenge you not to listen to or believe one more of these despicable lies. The one thing I would encourage you to accept is your weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Paul says, "But He (God) said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong."  

Brothers and Sisters- Kings and Queens- Children of the Most High God: 


You have been fighting. You have been contending. You have been patiently waiting. You have felt it would never end. It has taken every ounce of strength you have to continue to believe God and stand on His promises. To even continue just to live. You have been tired, even exhausted. You have been lonely. You have been depressed. You have remained hidden, even at times trying to push your way out of the hidden cave He has had you in, only to find by His grace He has not let you, and you're back in. Because the time was not yet. He was not finished with you. There was more process. More refining. More burning. More pain and trials, testing and waiting. 

Today I am here to encourage you. Because truly, NOW IS THE TIME. Your breakout is right around the corner. Your years of tears will be returned to you with a harvest of laughter and joy. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, and truly it will be greater than you have been asking all these years, and grander than anything you have imagined or thought. Because in all of these weaknesses, behind the scenes He has supernaturally been building His great power in you, though you may not yet see.

Are you weak? I don't know about you, but as for me, I can give that a big fat YES. 

Are you ready for God to use you? I can also give that a big fat YES. 

God is about to confound the "wise." Those who seem oh so successful by the worlds standards. Who look at you with judgement and criticism, and even straight up call you foolish. They will utterly be confounded and astounded by what God does in and through your life. How He uses you- when it makes absolutely no sense and seemed entirely impossible. 

I want to break down this word confound:


* To perplex or amaze, especially by a sudden disturbance or surprise.
 * To bewilder; confuse.
* To throw into confusion or disorder.
* To put to shame; abash.
* To defeat or overthrow.
* To bring to ruin or naught.

God is about to take your weakness, and use it to astound, confuse, defeat, shame, and bring to ruin all of the criticism, abuse, belittling, rejection, and haters that have taunted you all of these years- whether it be through people you may know, or just straight up tormenting demons. Either way:


As God gave me the Word "Now is the Time" not too long ago, which was so awesome for Him to confirm this Word by giving it to several other known prophets around the world who published them worldwide, I will say it again. 


As my dear friend says all the time, and I say to you:


Be expectant. You've come this far and you're almost there. The heat might turn up even more. The pressure to follow the ways of the world to accomplish your aspirations or dreams may become stronger as the enemy attempts everything He can to derail you from trusting God, and from resting in His peace. The temptation to take matters into your own hands may come. But...



Do you see Him coming? Do you hear the roaring sound of victory? 
Get Ready. It's right at the door... 

It is finally time for the remnant to arise! A new breed is here. A people, Daughters and Sons of the Most High God, who dwell in the hidden place, and who will not be shaken or moved, because we have been prepared. Like Moses, we have been trained in the desert. Like Joseph, we have matured and learned to completely trust in and rely on God in the pit, seeing no light or no way out. Like David, we have cried out and praised Him in the cave. We have been found faithful when we had opportunities to make things happen our own way, and resisted temptations that had we have given in to, would have destroyed our destinies and literally killed us. 

Each one of these powerful men of God were deliverers for their nation. 


We will rule and reign for our King. We will establish His Kingdom in glorious ways that have never been seen or experienced before. It will be very clear to America, our beautiful nation, and to the entire world that not only is Jesus God, but that He is All Powerful, and Utterly Devoted and in Love with us. 

Love always wins. 
We always win. 
We are in Him. 
He is Love. 


Numbers 23:19, Romans 3:4, Psalm 86:15; 89:8; 119:90; 27:13; 126:5, Deuteronomy 7:9, Lamentations 3:22-23, 1 Corinthians 1:9; 10:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, Hebrews 10:23; 11:1, 
2 Timothy 2:13, Ecclesiastes 3, Ephesians 3:20, Exodus 14:13

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